Personal growth

Once upon a time, psychology was about ourselves, our personalities and about growth. Personal growth. Western ideas blended easily with eastern philosophies and practices. We looked inside ourselves and found our inner beauty.

We worked on ourselves to let that inner beauty shine outwards to lightup our lives and the lives of our dearests. In a way we made society a better place.

Psychology was about letting go of things you did not need anymore in your life. Letting go of old patterns, thoughts, behaviours and feelings. Letting go, freeing your mind and expanding your consciousness. Healing our wounds, recovering and becoming whole.

How did we do this? We went to groups, engaged in psycho-analysis and healed. Psychological wounds develop within relationships. Within relationships we heal in carefully guided group sessions with our fellow men and women and together with our extensively trained psychotherapist who walked the path.

I’m talking about therapies based on the works of CG Jung, Adler, Maslow, Carl Rogers and of course Freud. Do you know how it feels to be with someone who really listens to you with an open heart? Someone who’s job it is to help you outgrow your disabeling thoughts and dynamics? Someone who accompanies you on your inner journey, fighting the demons with you side by side?

Healing and growing go hand in hand and is the most beautiful process we as humans can go through. Yes I‘ve been in thispsychoanalytic process myself. Healing, recovering, defeating my dragons and finding this peaceful and shining part in me, my true self.

Eventually I became a psychotherapist myself.
Journey of life.
Grow as a person, become who you really are.
Share my story!

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